Morpheus 8

From £650

Open Monday - Saturday 9am to 6pm

What Is Morpheus 8 ?

Welcome to our clinic, where we offer the cutting-edge Morpheus 8 facial aesthetic treatment. This innovative procedure combines microneedling and radiofrequency energy to rejuvenate and tighten the skin, providing remarkable results.

Morpheus 8 works by delivering radiofrequency energy through ultrafine needles, creating controlled micro-injuries in the deeper layers of the skin.

This stimulates collagen production and remodels the skin’s structure, improving its texture, tone, and elasticity. The treatment targets a wide range of concerns, including wrinkles, fine lines, acne scars, and sagging skin.

The benefits of Morpheus 8 are extensive. Patients experience significant improvement in skin firmness and tightness, with a visible reduction in wrinkles and fine lines.

The treatment also enhances skin texture and reduces the appearance of scars, resulting in a smoother and more youthful complexion. With Morpheus 8, you can achieve natural-looking, long-lasting results without the need for invasive surgery.


From £650

Time of procedure

45 minutes

Discomfort Level

4 out of 5​


Redness and Swelling up to 1 week

Average Sessions Required

3 Sessions: 3-4 weeks apart and then one a year moving forward

Before and After Morpheus 8

Natural Looking Results

Before and After Morpheus 8

Benefits of Morpheus 8

There are several benefits to Morpheus 8, which is why it’s such a popular option with many patients in our London practice. We’ve gone over just a few of the Morpheus 8 benefits below.

Skin Tightening and Firmness

Restore youthful elasticity to your skin, promoting a firmer and tighter appearance.

Wrinkle and Fine Line Reduction

Minimize the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines for smoother, more youthful-looking skin.

Scar Improvement

Diminish the appearance of acne scars and other skin imperfections, achieving a smoother complexion.

Overall Skin Rejuvenation

Experience a revitalized and radiant complexion as Morpheus 8 enhances skin texture and tone, revealing a more youthful you.

Why Have Morpheus 8 At Twoth?

Choosing Twoth ensures unparalleled care and exceptional results. With a world-class team of professionals and personalized treatment, trust us for transformative dental and facial aesthetic treatments. A CQC registered clinic, Twoth combines expertise, advanced techniques, and a luxurious environment for the smile or rejuvenation you deserve.

Meet Your Doctor...

Dr Tara Francis
Aesthetics Director

Dr. Tara’s aim is to enhance the natural beauty we already possess. Tara prides herself on her ability to provide a welcoming, relaxed and caring environment for her patients. Tara’s passion in this industry is clear and ever growing, and this shows through her work, commitment to achieve excellence, and positive feedback from patients.

As Featured In

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From Dermal Fillers to Antiwrinkle treatments, we provide 0% payment plans to help separate the fees of your treatment.

Morpheus 8 Treatment Journey

Your Morpheus 8 treatment will be tailored to your exact requirements; therefore, one treatment can be very different from the next. However, we’ve provided a basic overview of a Morpheus 8 treatment below.​

First step


During the consultation, our expert aesthetician will evaluate your skin concerns, discuss your goals, and create a personalised treatment plan tailored to your needs.​

second step


Before the Morpheus 8 treatment, you will receive specific guidelines to follow, such as avoiding certain medications or skincare products. Adhering to these instructions ensures optimal results and minimizes potential risks.​

third step


Morpheus 8 combines microneedling and radiofrequency energy to stimulate collagen production, improve skin texture, and tighten the skin. The handheld device delivers controlled heat, promoting the skin's natural healing process and resulting in a rejuvenated and youthful complexion.​

When you are done


Proper aftercare is crucial for optimal healing and results. Follow the recommendations provided by your provider, including keeping the treated area clean and moisturized, protecting your skin from sun exposure, avoiding excessive heat, and attending any follow-up appointments as advised.​

Fee Guide



Full face (excluding eyes) £650 / £1650
Neck £650 / £1650
Full face (excluding eyes) and neck £850 / £2100
Full face, Eyes and Neck £1250 / £2600
Lower face and neck £750 / £1900
Eyes £400 / £1000
Body Area £850/ £2250. if more than
one area a 50% reduction
is made for the additional
areas E.g. 2 areas would
be £1275/£3375

Includes: Consultation, Numbing Cream To Treatment Area, Before & After Photos, After Care Pack

After Care of Morpheus 8

Apply a moisturizer

Apply a recommended moisturizer or post-treatment cream to keep the skin hydrated.

Avoid sun exposure

Protect your skin from direct sun exposure and wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily.

Gently cleanse the treated area

Gently cleanse the treated area with a mild, non-irritating cleanser twice a day.

Avoid using harsh skincare products

Avoid using harsh skincare products or exfoliants for at least one week following the treatment.

Meet The Aesthetics Team


I have now visited Twoth on three different occasion... The first time was to take my son (8 years old) to see Dr Counihan for a braces consultation and my son absolutely loved the entire experience from start to finish. In fact, he was so excited and relaxed about it all he wanted to get started immediately.

The second time around, I went to see Dr Counihan myself for a second opinion and found the experience just as good as my son did

Karin Thyselius

Before I found Dr Neil Counihan I had a long history of dental trauma and sadly I repeatedly was subjected to very poor dentistry. I was scared to let anybody near my mouth and teeth. I had lost hope!

Dr Counihan made me the promise, with the right care I can keep my mouth healthy and definitely keep my teeth for the rest of my life.

And most importantly he made me feel safe and listened to

Neil M.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answer to the most common questions. Everything you need to know about Morpheus 8

Yes, Morpheus 8 is a safe and FDA-approved treatment. Our skilled professionals ensure your safety and comfort throughout the procedure.

The number of sessions varies depending on individual needs and goals. Our expert will create a personalized treatment plan for you.

A topical numbing cream is applied before the treatment to minimize discomfort. Most patients tolerate the procedure well, describing it as a mild sensation.

You may experience mild redness and swelling immediately following the procedure, but these effects typically subside within a few days. There is minimal downtime associated with Morpheus 8.

Results are typically noticeable within a few weeks, with continued improvement over time as collagen production increases. Individual results may vary.

Yes, Morpheus 8 is safe for all skin types and tones. Our skilled professionals will customize the treatment parameters to suit your specific needs.

The results are long-lasting; however, the natural aging process will continue. Maintenance treatments can help sustain the effects over time.

Yes, Morpheus 8 can be combined with other aesthetic procedures to enhance results. Our expert can recommend suitable combinations during your consultation.

Common side effects may include temporary redness, swelling, or mild bruising, which subside on their own. Serious complications are rare.

The duration of each session varies depending on the treatment area and individual needs. Typically, a session takes about 30 minutes to one hour, allowing for a convenient and efficient treatment experience.

Patient care is our top priority